So, my desk needed a bit of a tidy. I needed to do a bit of organising. I got some nice, shiny, new stuff to help me.
The very nice people at Ticklebrick sent me one of their Desk Dockers (left) and their Mini Desk Stores (right), which raised my monitors and gave me loads of extra storage including a six-section drawer.
Both units come with grooves that act as phone or tablet stands, and with a couple of pre-drilled holes for charger wires or other cables.
Nothing complicated, but absolutely perfect for getting stuff neatly out of the way.
A while back I picked up a A6 black paper dot grid notebook and a white pen.
I didn’t really have any idea why I bought it other than the fact it looked very cool.
Almost immediately after they arrived I received an email about an exciting little project, collaborating on something with music label Heimat Der Katastrophe.
Dungeon Synth project notes and sketches in white ink on black paper? Perfect.
Having tried out a dot grid book, I realised that they’d be great for roughing out comics pages. My roughs are strictly for my own reference, and I definitely couldn’t justify roughing in white on black paper.
I spotted Dingbats* notebooks and ended up ordering one of their extremely luxurious A5+ Wildlife dot grid notebooks for myself, and one of their gorgeous plain paper Pro B5 notebooks for Leah.
Hopefully, my desk will stay tidy for a while now. Review of that rather unusual looking X-bows Nature ergonomic keyboard there coming very soon.