I am thrilled to be able to announce that world-renowned Lovecraft scholar S. T. Joshi has written an afterword for Ghostwoods Books‘ forthcoming Lovecraftian anthology Cthulhu Lives!
Coming from Ghostwoods Books on the 26th of August 2014, Cthulhu Lives! is an anthology of cosmic horror stories with a modern sensibility.
H. P. Lovecraft’s influence is alive and well in the contemporary literature of not only America but other English speaking cultures. In this anthology, the ultra modern and the traditional combine in tribute to the timelessness of Mr. Lovecraft’s work.
Edited by Salome Jones, featuring new mythos stories by Piers Beckley, Michael Grey, Tim Dedopulos, G. K. Lomax, Adam Vidler, Iain Lowson, E. Dane Anderson, Helmer Gorman, Gábor Csigás, Lynne Hardy, Greg Stolze, Marc Reichardt, Peter Tupper, Jeremy Clymer, Joff Brown, Gethin A. Lynes, and myself, the book also boasts an introduction from Leeman Kessler of Ask Lovecraft fame.
Cthulhu Lives will be available for pre-order via Amazon next month. In the meantime visit the Ghostwoods Books website, like their Facebook page, and follow them on Twitter.