Library of the Occult #4 Flower

Library of the Occult #4 Flower
Author: John Reppion Category: horror, Music, occult, prose fiction Publisher: Library of the Occult Published: 27 May 2022 More Details
May 1979.
Ashfield Hospital was originally built way out in the countryside for the convalescence of first World War Shell Shock victims. By the 1960s Ashfield had found a new use as a high-security psychiatric hospital for patients with dangerous, violent, or criminal propensities. Its locked wards soon housing some of England’s most notorious and terrifying inmates. The tabloids dubbed him ‘The Camper-van Killer’, but Stephen Pyke never cared much for the nickname. In fact, he never cared much about anything. Except for himself. Now though, could a new experimental treatment change everything for Stephen?