Hey Amateur!

Hey Amateur!
Author: Leah Moore Category: all ages, comics, education, history, information, Middle Grade Publisher: IDW Published: 21 December 2020 ISBN: 1684057663 More DetailsEach story is part personal “how to,” part “how-so.” Learn new skills or hone the ones you’ve got. Some of these one-pagers will illuminate aspects of the comic book storytelling process like drawing likenesses, lettering, and cropping art panels. Others go beyond the comics world from the practical (catching a loose dog, changing a tire, speaking in public), to the fun (creating cheap horror makeup, skanking at a ska show, faking a guitar solo), to the peculiar (destroying the Internet, training your doppelganger, surviving a bear attack–probably).
All from a diverse mix of creators from South Africa, South America, North America, England, India, and other parts of the world sharing their favorite recipes, traditions, talents, and skills! Learn about a myriad array of subjects from your favorite creators in this fun, educational anthology.