20:44 GMT today is the point at which the plane of the our planet’s equator passes the centre of our sun, and we move from Summer into Autumn. It’s the end of one chapter, and the beginning of another.
Although we still have issues and collections due out over the coming months (Damsels #10-#13, Legends of Red Sonja #3, Sherlock Holmes – The Liverpool Demon TPB, Damsels TPB) for the first time in seven years, we find ourselves not working on a Dynamite Entertainment project. Dynamite have been brilliant to us over the years; they’ve never been anything other than an absolute pleasure to work with. They’ve always allowed us the freedom to make whatever we’re working on our own thing – to find some angle we can adopt to make a project into something that really captures our imaginations and enthusiasm.
Seven years is a long time, especially considering we’ve “only” been writing together for a decade, so it’s fair to say that Dynamite has pretty much been our comics career to date. So, what are we doing next?
Well typically, although there’s a lot of very exciting stuff in the pipeline, we’re not really allowed to talk about a lot of it at this stage. One thing we can mention (although I’ve been warned by Mr. PR, Michael Molcher, not to say too much) is that we’ve just had a nine part series accepted by Tharg the Mighty which will be appearing in the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic, 2000 AD sometime next year.
Something else (still) coming next year is that Self Made Hero project I’ve been cagily mentioning in these quarterly posts for quite some time. More on that ASAP.
Moving into the realms of the more unspecific: we’ve just turned in a script for a short story for a comics/TV tie-in/spin-off which we’re very pleased with and we’ve got a few more of those up our sleeve. We’ve got a thing we’ve been working on for a long time with Sally Jane Thompson, which we’re all very, very excited about. We’re also currently in talks with a publisher about what will hopefully be our next big thing in comics. Maybe that’ll keep us busy for the next seven years.