Sherlock Holmes #4 out this week (with preview pages)

For some reason we had no idea that issue 4 of The Trial of Sherlock Holmes (wonderfully rendered by Mr. Aaron Campbell) was out in the USA & Canada today (UK & Europe tomorrow) – I suppose we’ve been a bit busy lately with one thing and another.

Anyway, as usual, we’ve got some preview pages to show you just to whet your appetite but do be warned that they contain spoilers…

Alice #1 cover revealed

At last the secret of the Alice covers can be revealed: they are die-cut so that the outer cover has a window in it which shows part of the larger image of the inner cover. Confused? Have a look at the images below…

Caption 2009

Oxford’s annual small-press comics festival takes place today and tomorrow (15th and 16 ofAugust 2009) […]

The Complete Dracula #2 out this week (with preview pages)

The Complete Dracula #2 will arrive in shops across the USA & Canada tomorrow (UK & Europe on Thursday).

The second issue begins with the story of the doomed ship The Demeter as it sails from Varna to Whitby carrying a deadly cargo. The voyage takes place between mid July and early August so, for those of you following the story in real time via…